Colorado Streaming Videos
Note that some ghost town and photography categories have HD videos which cannot be streamed and are not listed here. These HD videos (where available) will show in the ghost town category they are in; they are not listed here.
- archuletaville.wmv
- Filesize : 11.6Mb Running Time : 0:47
Video Pan of Archuletaville - balloon-fiesta-2014-hq-ena.wmv
- balloon-fiesta-2014-hq.wmv
- daylight-time.mp4
- durango-silverton-train-view-from-below.wmv
- durango-timelapse-short.mp4
- estesparktram.wmv
- Filesize : 17.1Mb Running Time : 1:10
Video of the Estes Park Tramway and the surrounding beauty - gotg.wmv
- Filesize : 8Mb Running Time : 0:38
Short Pan of the Garden of the Gods Park in Colorado Spring - Feb 09 - intelvelometer - test 2.mp4
- machinegunshootoutmusic.wmv
- Filesize : 46.8Mb Running Time : Dragon Man Arm's Machinegun shootout, Sep 09. Not exactly mountains, but awesome anyway.
- matchlessmine.wmv
- Filesize : 17.8Mb Running Time : 1:06
Video recording of the story telling tour guide. Save the $16 and watch this instead of going. - mountain-cloudlapse.mp4
- orientminebats.wmv
- Filesize : 9.07Mb Running Time : 0:40
Video of the Orient Mine bats leaving en masse. - querida.wmv
- Filesize : 8.85Mb Running Time : 0:20
Video panorama of the ghost town of Querida, showing the mine as well. - red-mountain-pass.wmv
- riverfun.wmv
- Filesize : 3.2Mb Running Time : 0:38
Some kayak dude's goofing off in downtown Salida. Looks fun. - skicooper.wmv
- Filesize : 75Mb Running Time : 4:59
Me Skiing at Cooper Mountain. Keep in mind its hard to hold the camera while skiing. :-) - skicopper.wmv
- Filesize : 54Mb Running Time : 3:57
Me on the skis at Copper Mountain, video recorded by a friend. - skyline-drive-short.wmv
- summitville.wmv
- Filesize : 24.2Mb Running Time : 1:39
Video panorama of Summitville - treasuregulch.wmv
- Filesize : 126Mb Running Time : 8:22
Video exploration of Treasure Gulch (no audio) - venabletrail.wmv
- Filesize : 42.8Mb Running Time : 2:55
Video pans of the Venable trail near Silvercliffe. - westspanishpeak.wmv
- Filesize : 25.7Mb Running Time : 1:44
Video pan on the northeast ridge of the West Spanish Peak